Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
I am a PhD student at the Laboratory for History of Science and Technology at the Ecole
Polytechnique fédérale of Lausanne in Switzerland. Before beginning my Phd, I studied in Paris
and worked for a year and half in the science and philosophy laboratory (LARSIM) of the
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. My research was at the
intersection of Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy and knowledge management.
My research project is about the evolution of technical drawing in England between 1750 and 1850. These drawings were material parts of specific technical languages which became more complex through practice and theory, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this project, I will focus on two types of technical drawings, those from institutions that encouraged or protected inventions (e.g. the Royal Society of Arts) and those from the commercial world (e.g. advertising).
In parallel, I am also working on the history of the representation of Scandinavia in different periods and in different media
Recent Publications:
'Anton Howes, Arts and Minds: How the Royal Society of Arts Changed a Nation', Artefact, n°13, 2020.
History of technology :
'La phénoménotechnique à l’épreuve de la médiation. L’exemple du showroom du LARSIM', Artefact, n°11, 2019, pp. 253-275;
& BONTEMS Vincent, 'La mécanologie : une lignée technologique francophone ?', Artefact, n°8, 2018, pp. 255-280.
History of Scandinavia :
'Reconstituer un paysage sonore par la littérature ? Etude du son dans des récits de voyages français en Laponie (1840-1900)', Deshima, n°14, 2020, pp. 57-72.
'Finlandais, Russes et Samis, à chaque peuple sa représentation au début du XIXe siècle', in Gilles Bertrand; Daniel Chartier; Alain Guyot; Marie Mossé; Anne-Elisabeth Spica (eds.), Voyages illustrés aux pays froids (XVIe-XIXe siècle), Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal, 2020, pp.135-149;
'Documenter le Danemark et la Suède par le voyage. L’expérience de voyageurs anglais à la fin du e siècle (1775-1800)', Viaggiatori. Circolazioni scambi ed esilio, Anno 3, Numero 1, settembre 2019;
'Loki dans tous ses états : Présentation de la figure du dieu scandinave dans trois œuvres contemporaines.', Fantasy Art and Studies, n°6, Juin 2019;
'Exposer le Nord à Paris : Des Inuits et des Sames au Jardin d’acclimatation (1877-1878)', Annie Bourguignon / Konrad Harrer (éd.), L’Écriture du Nord du Nord. Construction d’images, confrontation au réel et positionnement dans le champ littéraire, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 2019