Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
Recent Articles by David Edgerton on Science Policy and Covid
The Guardian: Cummings has left behind a No 10 deluded that Britain could be the next Silicon Valley (18 November 2020)
The New European: British Exceptionalism: Where Brexit and our Coronavirus response collide (3 May 2020)
The New Statesman: Why the coronavirus crisis should not be compared to the Second World War (3 April 2020)
Comments and Quotes from David Edgerton on History and Covid
Fortune: The UK has one of the highest COVID-19 death tolls on earth. What happened? (2 August 2020)
The Financial Times: The Everyone Economy: How to make capitalism work for all (2 July 2020)
Al Jazeera: Could coronavirus reshape British manufacturing? (8 May 2020)
​​Recent comments and quotes from David Edgerton on Science Policy
The Guardian: Britain,here's a plan: stop applying old fixes to new problems. And stop obsessing about growth (26 Jan,2023)
The Guardian: The woes of startup Britishvolt should shock the UK out of its Brexit self-delusion (11 Nov,2022)
The Economist: The case for more state spending on R&D (16 January 2021)
Nature Podcast: 'Stick to the science': when science gets political (3 November 2020)
Recent comments and quotes from David Edgerton on Technology and the 'Shock of the Old'
The Tech: Social innovation - a corporate revolution or lip service? (13 May 2021)
IEEE Spectrum: Inside the hidden world of legacy IT systems (28 August 2020)
MIT Technology Review: Five books about technology and government (19 August 2020)
The Economist: Repair is as important as innovation (18 October 2018)