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Seminar Series

The CHoSTM seminar series continues into the next term. The first session is schedule on the 1st of May, 2024. Please note that the seminars will be held at S8.08, 8th Floor, Department of History, Strand Building, King's College London. Please contact Shankar Nair if you are interested in attending.              

Seminar Programme 2023/24

Term Three

1st  May, 2024

From Eminent Engineer to Authority on Economic Planning: Sir M. Visvesvaraya in Interwar India

Dr. Aparajith Ramnath

5th Jun, 2024

More, More and More: An All Consuming History of Energy

Dr. Jean-Baptiste Fressoz

Click here for the list of previous seminars. 

Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine

Department of History

King's College London


London WC2R 2LS

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