Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
The Centre is one of the most vibrant groups of historians devoted to the study of science, technology and medicine in the world, covering a long chronological range, and concerned with global as well as national histories. It is notable for being fully integrated into a history department both organisationally and intellectually.
Our aim is to research and teach the histories of science, technology and medicine in ways that change understandings of their history, of history in general, and of the world in which we live today. Our work has engaged directly with policy-makers and politicians, and just as importantly has affected national and international conversations about science, technology and medicine.
For the history of the Centre, please click here.

Some of the Past and Present Staff and PhDs of CHoSTM Celebrating our 30th Anniversary in June, 2023.
Lecturer in the History of Modern International Relations
Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology and Professor of Modern British History
Lecturer in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
Fay Bound Alberti
Professor in Modern History and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Rana Baker
Lecturer in the History of the Middle East
Hannah Murphy
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow & Lecturer in Early Modern History
Anton Howes
Visiting Research Fellow
Séveric Yersin
Visiting Research Fellow
David Francisco de Moura Penteado
Visiting PhD Student
Catriona Byers
Erica Fischer
William Fan
Jason Ng
Shankar Nair
Jieluan Huang
Phoebe McDonnell
Edisson Aguilar Torres
José Soto-Vejar
Francisca Villaseca
Linquan Ma
Pranav Mohan
Angelica Agredo-Montealegre
Ronwen Chamarette
Elle Larsson
Felicity McWilliams
Katya Morgunova
Thomas Kelsey
Katherine Ambler
Edward Young
Sandip Kana
Alison Skipper
Helen Esfandiary
Viswanathan Venkataraman
CHoSTM Alumni
Since 1993 at least 30 PhD students have graduated from the Centre, about half of whom have academic jobs. Some of these are listed below. Other students have progressed to careers in research, in museums, in consultancy. We offer ongoing support to our students even after their graduation by writing references, reading drafts of written work, and helping them to win research funds and perform well at interviews.
CHOSTM graduates in permanent academic positions include:
Sabine Clarke, Senior Lecturer in Modern History, York
Rosemary Cresswell, Senior Lecturer in Global History, Hull
Larry Ferreiro, professor of systems engineering and science and technology management at the Defense Acquisition University at Fort Belvoir VA
Miguel Garcia-Sancho, Chancellors Fellow, Science Technology and Innovation, University of Edinburgh
Hermione Giffard, Managing Editor of Technology and Culture, Eindhoven University
Rebekah Higgitt, Lecturer in History of Science, Kent
Shang-Jen Li, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Department of Social Medicine, National Taiwan University
Yogesh Mishra, Assistant Professor, Nepal Engineering College
Aparajith Ramnath, Assistant Professor Humanities and Liberal Arts at Ahmedabad University
Jessica Reinisch, Professor of Modern History, Birkbeck
Waqar Zaidi, Associate Professor History, LUMS, Lahore
Our students have been very successful. In 2014 alone, Hermione Giffard won the annual George Mosse Prize of the Journal of Contemporary History for her first article; Julie Hipperson won the Roy Porter Prize of the Society for the Social History of Medicine; Ben Taylor won the Royal Historical Society Centenary Fellowship and Esther Harper was awarded the Richard Cox Postgraduate Prize by the British Society for Sporting History. In 2016, Hermione Giffard won the BAC Wadsworth Prize in Business History while, in 2017, Tom Kelsey won the Society for the History of Technology Robinson Prize.