Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
Postgraduate Research
CHOSTM has a distinctive approach to the history of science, technology and medicine. Our aim is to research science, technology and medicine in history, in close integration with other historical specialisms.
The Centre is fully embedded within the large, prestigious Department of History at King's. It therefore combines the advantages of specialisation in history of science, technology and medicine with wider historical interests. This means that the character of our research programmes is rather different from those in places where the subject in taught in separate units, or alongside philosophy and sociology of science.
All the information for prospective MA Students can be found here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/history/masters
and for prospective PhD Students here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/history/phd
PhD Research
We have long been committed to providing a rich environment for doctoral research. Our PhD programme is characterised by an exceptional level of common endeavour and close interaction between students and all staff (not just one’s supervisors). This reflects our identity as a cohesive intellectual community, in which members are engaged with each other’s work, and with the wider historical and policy worlds. We strongly encourage students to participate actively in the historical community in Britain and around the world and indeed to work on the histories of all parts of the world. We currently have students working on India, the Far East, the United States, France, Colombia and, of course, Britain.​
We offer intensive and rigorous supervision. We emphasise training in historical methods, in how to present work orally and in writing, and we take seriously the need to prepare students for the job market. Our students all have opportunities to teach undergraduate courses across the historical specialisms.
Many of our students have worked very closely with History and Policy and have completed internships in Parliament and other organisations. Many work collaboratively with museums and learned organisations, including the Science Museum, National Museum of Horse Racing and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Knowledge. Thanks to our success in winning scholarships, the majority of these students received full funding for their studies.
In addition to funding through LAHP (AHRC), Wellcome and various King's College London scholarships, we also offer Hans Rausing scholarships for PhD study for both home and overseas candidates. For more information, please see our Funding Opportunities.