Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
I study both in Tsinghua University and King’s College London as a joint PhD student. My
research interests cover environmental history, global history and history of science and technology.
Currently I’m focusing on the cyclones and storm warning systems in the coastal areas of
British India from 1864-1947. My PhD thesis will show how human beings interacted with
non-human nature in colonial context of British Empire by using meteorological and
other sciences and technologies.
PhD project title: Defensing the Cyclones in Advance: Storm Warning Systems in the Coastal Areas of British India, 1864-1947
This project aims at exploring how the British colonists defensed the disastrous tropical storms, aka cyclones, in advance through the storm warning systems in coastal areas of colonial India from 1864-1947. It will investigate the relationships between the tropical environment, coastal infrastructures, and colonial knowledge. It argues that the warning systems and meteorological science and technology of British India were not only ‘tools of empire’ but also a reflection of the state-building and nationalist movement of India. It will shed some new lights on the previous historiography of colonial knowledge, science, and technology in British India.
Recent Publications:
《自然试验与仁慈统治:19 世纪中后期英属印度金鸡纳种植业兴衰探析》,《学术研究》 (CSSCI),2020 年第 12 期;《人大复印资料转载》2021 年第 3 期。Trans, “Natural Experiment and Benevolent Governance: An Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Cinchona Plantation in British India in the middle and late 19th Century”, The Academic Research (CSSCI), 2020, (12). Reprinted In Information Center For Social Science Of Renmin University Of China, 2021-03.
《不可不知的英国史》,武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2018 年。Trans, A Brief History of Britain, Wuhan: HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Press, 2018.
Recent Grants, Awards, and Prizes:
Chinese Scholarship Council Grants of 2021-2022 & The Chinese National Scholarship of 2021
Fellow of the 16th Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asia Studies (virtual), held by the Asia Research Institute (ARI) of National University of Singapore (NUS) , Summer 2021.