Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
King's College London
Celebrating the 30th Year Anniversary of CHoSTM
We were founded in 1993, and for the last decade have been at King’s. In that time nearly 50 PhD students have graduated and over 30 books based on our work have been published, remarkable totals for a small centre. We have changed the way we think about science, technology and medicine in history, and brought many of our arguments to a wide, indeed global, audience.
To observe our 30th year anniversary, we invited everyone associated with the centre, both from the present and the past, to provide a pdf or link to a publication (article or book) of their's that they most associate with CHoSTM. From Hellinistic Astronomy, and the Dog doctors of Edwardian London, to Geologists and water diviners in twentieth century India, the following list showcases the length and breadth of scholarship that has come out of the centre over the years.
Delphine Berdah
Stamatina Mastorakou